Сюжет revolves around the everyday life of a typical panda family, which unexpectedly gains a unique companion – a living toy dragon named Tosha. The panda parents remain oblivious to this new friendship, while the little bear siblings, Nyasha and Yasha, find it impossible to imagine a day without him. Tosha the Dragon, along with his sidekick Toyroychik, has the magical ability to transform even the dullest day into an extraordinary adventure, all while providing answers to the endless curiosities of young minds. How can one conquer nighttime fears? What’s the best way to communicate with the littlest family member? What exactly are sunbeams, and where do puddles come from? These and many other questions arise, just as they do for children everywhere. To help both the pandas and the audience grasp these answers, Toyroychik – a jar filled with enchanting soap bubbles – conjures a magical bubble that whisks our characters away to a wondrous realm of exploration and excitement!